Saturday, January 03, 2009

The richest people in Indonesia 2008

According to the latest report business magazine Forbes Asia, Bakrie it from one position to position 9. Bakrie wealth evaporate almost 90 percent because of the impact the global economic crisis.

When this property was recorded around the Bakrie 850juta dollars, or around 9.35 trillion. If in the mid Bakrie property value reached 5.4 billion dollars or about 59.4 trillion. A wallop to the very Bakrie not yet a problem that Lapindo has not been completed.

At the end of this year, the sequence number one held by Sukanto Tanoto (58 years) with the property by 22 trillion rupiah. Sukanto Tanoto Company is the owner of King Garuda Mas, which move in the plantation and investment. Here is a list of the 20 richest people in the Indonesian version of business magazine Forbes Asia:
1. Sukanto Tanoko (58 years): Rp. 22 trillion
2. R. Budi Hartono (67 years): Rp. 18.92 trillion
3. Michael Hartono (69 years): Rp. 18.48 trillion
4. Putera Sampoerna (60 years): Rp. 16.5 trillion
5. Sitorus five (48 years): Rp. 14.3 trillion
6. Peter Sondakh (56 years): Rp. 11.55 trillion
7. William Eddy Katuari (57 years): Rp. 11.44 trillion
8. Tcipta Eka Widjaja (85 years): Rp. 10.45 trillion
9. Aburizal Bakrie (61 years): Rp. 9.35 trillion
10. Murdaya Poo (67 years): EUR 825 million
11. Anthoni Salim (59 years): EUR 690 million
12. Family Wonowidjojo: USD 640 million
13. Chairul Tanjung (46 years): EUR 625 million
14. Trihatma Haliman (56 years): EUR 470 million
15. Arifin Panigoro (63 years): EUR 430 million
16. Sjamsul Nursalim (67 years): EUR 425 million
17. Mochtar Riady (79 years): EUR 420 million
18. Harjo Sutanto (82 years): EUR 340 million
19. Djojonegoro Hussain (59 years): EUR 300 million
20. Soegiharto Sosrdjojo (78 years): EUR 275 million

Information richest person in indonesia attention we always interesting. Learn the history of the success of success will provide facilities and motivation for you in achieving your financial success. Does not have a notion that when your name is listed in this list by Isnaini.Com