Official Site: www.FAPTurbo.comHow the FAP Turbo Robot Works:
FAP Turbo is an automated computer software program that operates based on a number of Forex trading signals. It helps determine when to buy a currency pair at any given time. This program is designed to remove the psychological element of trading, which can be detrimental. FAP Turbo chooses when it's time to make trades all by itself.
FAP Turbo was specially created so the user needs absolutely no experience or comprehension of Forex trading to operate. Using the "Plug & Play" concept. The developer has ensured that the only thing the user needs to know is how to download a file, and from that point onward everything is taken care of by the trading robot.
FAP Turbo functions in a MetaTrader 4 platform which most brokers provide their clients with. It is connected to a Forex broker as long as the platform is open on your computer, and remains connected to the Internet.
FAP Turbo has 2 built-in strategies:
1. Short Term Scalping Strategy
2. Long Term Advanced FAP Strategy
Each strategy is designed for it's own timeframe and currency pairs. For example Long term strategy works only on EUR/USD M1. The scalping short term strategy works on 4 pairs: EUR/GBP, GBP/CHF, EUR/CHF & USD/CAD, M15 timeframe.
Both strategies are built inside one FAP Turbo expert advisor and can be turned on and off easily. Each strategy uses it's own designed timeframe and currencies, so be sure that you use the strategy on the proper currency pair and timeframe. You will find complete details on each strategy and the parameters in the instructional guides and video tutorials.
FAP Turbo uses fixed stop loss values, so trading is very safe. With stealth mode, some orders are closed before the take profit and stop loss is reached. The software displays faked "larger take profit and stop loss values" to show the broker, but closes trades according to the real inner take profit and stop loss indicators that are lower. This process will protect you, and allows trading to remain safe.
The FAP Turbo Robot has been tested with real live trading accounts, not demo accounts, over a period of months before it was released to the market. Marcus Leary and his team of experts and programmers wanted to make sure that it worked before releasing it.
Until now there is never been any program or software that even comes close to human intelligence, especially in trading software, but this is as close as any have ever been. It cuts the profits out of the market, taking every small profit and quickly cutting the losses for maximum automated profitability.
How Do Automated Trading Systems Work?
Automated trading systems are pre-programmed strategies that automatically execute trades on your account based on the rules of the strategy. Automated trading systems can run on your home computer, on hosted servers, through autotrading platforms or as managed accounts.
Forex Trading Knowledge Level
FAP Turbo is going to work best for the intermediate level trader and upwards. That means that to get the most out of FAP Turbo you will need to have some understanding and experience of Forex trading. There are a lot of different settings to select. Of course the truth is that its complexity and number of options is its strength, but if you do not even understand the principles of forex you will have to put in some training time.
Some reviewers go so far as to say that beginners should not get it. I do not agree with this. I think that if you are a beginner who is willing to learn, then getting FAP Turbo from the get-go may be the best way to go. Sure you will have to put in some work to figure it out, but that is true of Forex in general. If FAP Turbo is the best around, then isn't it better to learn on the best, rather than messing around with other systems and then trying to switch over later?
So what I would say is that beginners can go ahead, but don't expect to start making $1000 a day from tomorrow. Set aside a good chunk of time, watch all of the videos before you start, read all of the documentation in the FAQ enough times that you understand it, and also go through everything in the new FAP Turbo forum. Don't put real money in before you are ready. And most importantly - don't quit if you run into trouble setting up. Just ask in the forum or call their telephone support.
FAP Turbo Setup And Training
How to set up FAP Turbo is covered in a series of 8 videos plus an FAQ section on the website and the new forum. The videos are short, clear and professional. They do not waste your time and should be fine for the average intelligent beginner to follow. Technical knowledge is not required. The video topics are:
1. Choosing broker & MetaTrader 4 Setup.
2. FAP Turbo Easy Installer Setup Wizard.
3. Activation of FAP Turbo and proper settings.
4. Scalper Strategy System and settings.
5. Long Term Strategy and settings.
6. Forex Basics.
7. Proper Lot Size and Money Management.
8. How to Install FAP Turbo on VPS
Full telephone and email support is provided. This is very unusual with this type of product and is definitely an extra benefit.
At the time of writing this review there is a launch price offer that is superb value at just $149. You will need to visit the site to find out the current price - it may have increased by the time you read this. But it is a one-time payment, not a monthly fee, and if you find it at anything below $400 you will be getting an amazing deal.
For a monthly fee, the robot can be hosted on a central server instead of on your own PC. This means you can turn off your PC and not have to worry about whether your internet connection will go down when you are out or sleeping, missing important trades.
If you are completely new to Forex you might not want to get this hosting upgrade right away but set up FAP Turbo and try it out with a demo account first. Intermediate traders will see the value and sign up for the remote hosting from day one.
How Much Money is Needed To Start Trading?
When you first decide to take the risk and trade in Forex, you need to take it slow and start out small until you get the hang of trading. Do not jump in until you know what your are doing. It is possible to lose everything you have worked for.
Depending on your broker terms, you can start trading with as little as $250 US. Visit for a list of the best online Forex Brokers (I personally use FXCM). Remember that starting out with low trading capital may put you at disadvantage because you will only be able to trade the market in small share sizes. It is recommended that you start with capital of $1,000 - 5,000 USD or train on a Demo account until you are satisfied with the performance.
The Bottom Line
FAP Turbo is not perfect, but better than most, and the scalping strategy is proven to be profitable almost every time. Their claims of doubling your money every month is probably on the optimistic side, but unlike many other Expert Advisors, FAP Turbo is profitable. Don't expect to get extremely rich off this system, but you should be able to make steady profits. The publisher also stands by his product enough to offer a full 60 day money back guarantee, so you can practice on demos accounts and return the product if you are not satisfied with FAP Turbo.
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