Wow! I just finished watching the ETF webinar I told you about the other day from my friend who used to manage trades over 50 million. And, I’ve got to say, that in all my years in the trading business, this is the most content rich webinar I have ever seen. No hype, only hard core trading truths that not everyone is going to like.
ETF Webinar
What shocked me most is when he PROVED his system works on anything that produces a chart, including forex! Just his advanced position sizing tip alone can double the returns of ANY forex system. Some of the other content was the fact that he and his hedge fund buddies used to hunt stops.
Now he’s teaching “civilians” how to make money off their tactics. If you are new to trading, this hour could save you thousands of dollars over the school of hard knocks. Those who don’t get information like this risk having their whole investment account being wiped out, before they’ve really had a chance to trade. Don’t miss out - Click here to register for this free ETF and Money Management Webinar that you can access right now
ETF Webinar
For trading veterans I can guarantee you that the advanced position sizing tip is a golden nugget you’ll use for increasing profits and decreasing risks in the years to come. This one tip could double your profits regardless of what your entry system is. The one tip alone can turn any average system into a winning system. In the webinar he covers:
- How to maximize your winners while risking only 1-2% per trade.
- Why most traders have it backwards when it comes to risk.
- How to eliminate 95% of trading stress and emotion.
- Why most traders have it backwards when it comes to winning percentages.
- One of his four proprietary profit target strategies.
He’ll just give you this valuable tip for listening in Wednesday.
- How to avoid being vague with your entries and stops, like those “gurus”
who say,"Buy a few cents, ticks, or pips above ___."
- A little known, no cost, scanner tool that can help you improve your trades, now.
- A complementary excel sheet that does ALL the math for you.You’ll be able to
easily see the optimal position size and risk vs. reward ratio on all your trades.
- Even how to become a professional money manager and
raise millions, if you so desire.
That last one really surprised me. Because I know that if you really want to make millions in trading the fastest way is to use leverage with other peoples’ money, when you are ready. One of my friend’s former students John Vasquez now trades over $8 million. He also runs the day trading room. Wouldn’t you agree that if you wanted to learn how to trade big money it would be smart to learn from people who have or are currently doing it?
ETF Webinar
There are so many reasons to attend this free webinar that I honestly believe you’re missing the boat if you don’t take advantage of this opportunity. I guarantee it won’t be a waste of your time. I love sharing high quality content with my readers and this is going to be one of the best. Over 900 people attended the live webinar on Wednesday night and 99.6% said that they learned something new that they could use immediately.
ETF Webinar
Our host has worked trades as large as $50 million during his money management career. He will share a little of his story, but most of the hour will be spent teaching you how to improve your trading.Only the next 21 people get their second live day trading mentorship regularly sold for $1,997. On Sunday night at midnight EST he will no longer be accepting new students for his one year mentorship class for a good portion of the rest of the year. Click here to register for the ETF and Advanced Money Management Seminar:
ETF Webinar
Good Trading,
Jason Fielder
Saturday, August 22, 2009
ETF Webinar